Farmed Animal Welfare Scoping Report in Bali
Farmed animals are sentient beings that have feelings and emotions that matter to them. However, farmed animals have been regarded as human property or commodities throughout the course of history. Sadly, many of them are still subjected to inhumane treatment and a substandard standard of living.
Bali, Indonesia is among the locations where there is an opportunity to improve farmed animal welfare. Animals Don't Speak Human (ADSH) and World Animal Protection have collaborated on the "Farmed Animal Welfare Scoping Report in Bali" project with an aim to understand the welfare of farmed animals in this popular tourist destination in Indonesia. The initiative will enhance our comprehension of farmed animal welfare requirements, how well these are understood by farmers, how they are implemented on farms, and the implications this may have for the public and environment in Bali, Indonesia.
Because Animals Don’t Speak Human
Consider the hypothetical scenario where animals possess the ability to communicate in human language and express their desires for happiness. One such desire would likely involve granting them freedom from captivity, such as being released from cages. Despite the fact that animals are unable to communicate in human language, research can assist people in comprehending and enhancing their welfare. This is the reason why this scoping research matters.
The ADSH team identified deficiencies in the state of animal welfare in Bali's farming industry. They saw a lack of sufficient data regarding the enforcement of animal welfare requirements on farms that raise pigs, broiler chickens, laying hens, and freshwater fish. The team also discovered a lack of information regarding the interrelationships between Bali's environment, humans, and animals, particularly in relation to the inadequate care of farmed animals. The absence of such data and information might be likened to the absence of communication that could enlighten us on how humans can enhance the welfare of farmed animals.
The Potency of Knowledge: Conducting Research to Enhance Animal Welfare
The objective of this scoping report is to identify and assess the extent to which animal welfare requirements are being implemented for pigs, broiler chickens, layer hens, and fish in Bali. This study attempts to evaluate the impact resulting from the applications of animal welfare guidelines on food safety and environmental health. Furthermore, this research aims to determine whether farmers comply with Indonesian regulations on animal welfare requirements, farm establishment licensing, and waste disposal.
The scoping research findings provide insights into the welfare of farmed animals, specifically on their freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom from fear and distress, and freedom to express natural behaviour. The findings also uncover an environmental aspect, specifically waste management; a public health aspect, including antibiotic use: and legal compliance.
The initiative has also discovered valuable insights into key players, specifically the government and NGOs, as well as potential opportunities to improve the system. By advocating for enhanced guidelines, fostering multisector collaboration, and promoting welfare certification, we can collectively strive towards a greater future where farmed animals have the higher welfare and living standards they deserve.